


Still trying to fix up the car I started on befor the weekend, but can`t seem to get any of it right. Tried to highlight it where there should be highlights. Didn`t get that to work properly :/ I drew white higlights where they should be and blurred them to get it looking more natural but I did`nt get the result I was hoping for.

So I made a gradient just to get a more realistic feel to the paint, worked better then just red. Still have the annoying problem with the white lines, tryed rediong the car from the start but it`s to much repainting 4 my mouse :P Really need a tablett ;)
Looking at it now it` s not to bad, but when I blow it upp to higher quality it`s "shitty".

So I guess I`m setting this asside for now and start working on something else soon. Alot of work going on at the other job so not much time for 3D.
3/28/2011 07:28:17 pm

At first, two iron wires connected each pair of telephones. Then switchboards brought phone wires into one location. Other inventions - the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances on land and under the seas -- greatly expanded phone service. Transistors replaced the old vacuum tubes, and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated the necessity of landlines. Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.

8/8/2011 08:10:58 pm

Other inventions - the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances


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3D Design and Animation