There`s not been much happening in my 3D world lately, I seem to have bought myself a house and got a new job. All this is great, but it leaves little room for the fun stuff. Guess I won’t be able to do much 3D while I’m in the process of moving either, so it will take some time before I’m up and running again.

Might add some cool pics of my new house when I move in =D There`s one on the front page atm if u haven’t seen it. I`m going to paint with some wicked ass color, yellow sucks. Anyways, I`ll try to get some updates after awhile.

Thought I would give you a little HDRI render, this is done quick and “wrong”. It looks fairly nice but the lighting isn`t as good as it could be and the environment is boring!  But for now, HDRI render ;)


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3D Design and Animation